2015 TOfilmfest: Canadian film highlights
Last week, the Toronto International Film Festival held it's Canadian film press conference for 2015. Canadian feature films will appear as Special Presentations, as well as in the Documentary, Discovery, Contemporary World Cinema, Vanguard, and Wavelengths programs.

Here are some highlights:

btw, here's a video of the Canadian film press conference...
missed any announcements? – you can look back...

got a favourite director or actor/actress? – check,
to see if they're headed to #TIFF15
what films are the critics raving about?

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Here are some highlights:
- Born to be Blue, Robert Budreau
- Into the Forest, Patricia Rozema
- Closet Monster, Stephen Dunn
- Sleeping Giant, Andrew Cividino
- Endorphine, André Turpin
- No Men Beyond This Point, Mark Sawers
- Ninth Floor, Mina Shum
- This Changes Everything, Avi Lewis
- My Internship in Canada, Philippe Falardeau
- Les êtres chers, Anne Émond

btw, here's a video of the Canadian film press conference...
missed any announcements? – you can look back...

got a favourite director or actor/actress? – check,

to see if they're headed to #TIFF15
what films are the critics raving about?

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Labels: Canadian, Contemporary World Cinema, Discovery, Special Presentations, TIFF Docs, TIFF15, Vanguard, Wavelengths
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