2016 TOfilmfest: complete festival line-up released!

- Divines, Houda Benyamina
- The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki, Juho Kuosmanen
- The Red Turtle, Michael Dudok de Wit
- Sand Storm, Elite Zexer
- My Life as a Courgette, Claude Barras
- Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee, Nanette Burstein

There are almost 300 feature films at TOfilmfest.ca now — along with 300+ video-clips, 600+ star-rated reviews, and 2000+ links to official websites, articles & interviews — so, everyone can #PicktheBestoftheFest ! ;-)
btw, here's the official festival trailer… :-)
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Labels: Discovery, In Conversation With, Special Events, TIFF Docs, TIFF Kids, TIFF16