Recently a friend, and fellow film-fest fan, mentioned she was choosing at least one movie from each of the festival's
official programs — a good way to see a variety of cinema
Last year
@ParticPelic spent several hours
watching videos trying to trim down her choices
(btw, local cinema writer
@TerrorInToronto has put a list of videos together into a convenient
single playlist for 2015).
As for us, since we add films to our website with each weekly announcement, we tend to look back at all the
film titles by
date of announcement.

Everyone has their own method to choose their movies but fwiw, here are some other ways to
#PicktheBestoftheFest at

— enjoyed the work of a particular director or actor/actress? …you'll likely want to see their latest film

— want to visit another place in the world and be immersed into
another language & culture? …cinema makes it easy to travel the world!
— in Ontario any film without an official OFRB rating will be restricted to adults 18+…
— although regular tickets cost $25 (and premium screenings $48), there are plenty of free screenings for 2015…
— tired of trekking from the Lightbox cinema to the Ryerson theatre? …pick screenings closer together! ;-)
— not on vacation? …see everything that's playing when you're available
— many films have screened previously, and been reviewed by movie critics… why not check?
- BONUS: Release dates — many films have a theatrical release already set for the fall …so you can see them later!
Btw, if you're on-the-go, without access to the internet,
download a PDF file of the 2015 Official Film Schedule (note there are some
changes to the schedule for 2015).
And, if you only have your smartphone, try
TIFFwidget — a mobile-friendly website that uses data from
So, what's on our list?
Our next post will highlight our picks for the 2015 film festival... :-)
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